You know when you go into a yoga class you will be told to breathe. The breath is so important because it brings in Prana, which is life force energy. The infinite intelligence of the creator is in the breath. That's is why it is said that if you practice yoga and sit and breath the whole time you will receive more benefits from your practice than the person who is doing every pose perfectly and not breathing.
The yogic breath is different from the one we are taught as children. You inhale through the nose expanding the naval, as if you are filling up a balloon with air; this makes more room for the breath in the body. You exhale allowing the naval to gently fall is as if you are helping to exit the breath out of the body. Let's practice this now: INHALE and expand the naval, EXHALE allowing the naval to glide back. Now repeating three more times, Inhale, Exhale, drop the shoulders. Inhale, Exhale, come into present time moment. Inhale and breathing in light, Exhale and let go allowing the body to relax. See if you can continue this breathing throughout the rest of the article. If you forget and notice you are not breathing just start again.
By breathing more Prana, life force energy into your body, you are rejuvenating every cell in your body. If you are still breathing, you may notice that you feel calmer and that your mind is quieter than it normally is. That's why the breath is so important in yoga, it allows you to quiet the mind and receive the full benefits of the yoga postures. You may notice that in yoga classes your mind may start to tell you this is hard, when is this pose going to be over? At that moment notice if you are breathing, the breath brings you into presence. When you are in the present time moment breathing live force energy into the body you can go deeply into your yoga pose.
The breath brings you into presence and calms the mind in meditation, which is the gift from your yoga practice. When you want to get centered try putting on peaceful music that relaxes you. Sit up or lie down and bring all of your attention to the dark space in between your eyebrows, which is called your third eye point. Reflect inward and breathe continuously. Circular breathing is a continuous breath after each inhale, exhale and then inhale again. See how this makes you feel, it is all a practice, be aware of what makes you feel better and keep doing it!
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