Learn the Science of Jumping High
If simply put, the science behind the jump is to know and apply the amount of force required to lift your body up in the air. As such, it involves weight, power and speed. You need to be as light as possible, your legs must be powerful and strong and you must be able to accomplish this in the fastest way possible if needed. So, to be able to jump higher, you need to increase your force, speed and power while you lose some body weight.
Train all the Muscles and Joints in your body that will be used to execute the Jump
You need workout routines to be able to prepare your body to jump higher. However, it is important to target the most useful parts in training. To be able to jump higher the following must be trained well:
a. lower back
b. buttocks
c. hamstrings
d. thighs
e. abs
b. buttocks
c. hamstrings
d. thighs
e. abs
Train and Rest to Recover
While rigid training is required for a properly built-up body, it is important not to over-train. Your muscles need to recover. If you keep on straining it to its limit, you are actually tiring it making it unable to maximize its strength. You need to at least provide a one day interval to maximize the training.
Follow a good Jumping Program
It is important to come up with a program and follow it to the dot. To develop the muscles that need developing, you need to perform the workout continuously and religiously. It is important that you don't jump from one training program to another; this can harm you more than help you with your goal to jump higher.
Eat Healthy
Proper diet is important for every athlete. You need to maintain good shape and right weight to be able to carry yourself for a lift. Leaping requires lifting yourself up to the air. If you are too heavy, this will be very hard to execute. Load up with lots of water and keep your body hydrated all the time
Practice makes perfect
Even professional and multi-awarded athletes know how important it is to practice regularly. If these great athletes still need training, it only means that you need it more.
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