1. Write and submit press releases. Articles, though powerful and free, have become passé. Everyone and his uncle seem to be doing it. Also, the pickup rate of articles by web publishers has severely decreased throughout the months. Whereas before, one article submitted to one directory can be picked up by 20 or more web publishers, nowadays, your article must be sharing unique and novel information to merit such numbers. Submitting a press release to a number of news wires in the World Wide Web, on the other hand, is something that not every internet marketer is availing of. As such, this avenue is much like article marketing during its heyday. All you have to do is to write a press release that is less than 750 words and submit the same to a news wire site like www.prweb.com . Your press release should contain newsworthy information, which should stick to answering the who, what, where, when and why of a particular event. Press releases get picked up by several publishers, both online and offline. You’ll be surprised by the amount of traffic one good press release will generate for your website.
2. Advertise at Froogle. If you’re selling a product over the internet, Froogle is a channel that you should learn how to exploit. Froogle is a division of Google. It’s actually Google’s search engine for online consumers. The service is relatively new, but with Google’s engine behind the same, we can all rest assured that in a few months’ time, Froogle will be a byword in every internet-using household all around the world.
3. MySpace. Many of you are familiar with MySpace as an online dating website, or a social networking site as it calls itself. But did you know about the marketing potentials that are slowly being discovered with MySpace’s 35,000,000 subscribers? Simply create an account that will look “cool” to your target audience. If you’re selling mp3 portable players, for example, name your account as “the mp3 zone” or something similarly fresh. Then invite people to add you as their “friend.” With some effort, you can immediately gain 1,000 new friends per week. Imagine if you have 10,000, 20,000 or even 30,000 friends. Send one message in the community bulleting board and you’ll immediately have 10,000, 20,000 or 30,000 readers. Mention your website’s URL in the said message and you’ll have 10,000, 20,000 or 30,000 potential visitors. Now, what if you’d post a message every other day? You get the picture, right?
4. A mock sale on eBay. Selling an information product? Here’s a great way to INSTANTLY establish web presence. Since eBay pages rank well in Google search results, create an account with the auction site (if you still don’t have one). Then offer an eBook or a special report you’d otherwise offer for free. Sell it for a cent. Now you might wonder who’d buy the product for a cent when they can get it from your website for free. Here’s the clincher. Ebay members are always on the lookout for one cent products. They’re not really after the product, they’re after the feedback. But in your eBay sales page, you can include a link to your website. Better yet, in the pages of your information product, you can include several links to your website as well. Since your eBay sales page will appear higher in search engine results, you’d have traffic equivalent to that which can be generated by a high placing in the search engines! Just make sure that your eBay sales page is populated with the right keywords.
5. Post a how to article at www.wikihow.com . This website is a subsidiary of Wikipedia, so you know it has the muscles to catapult it to great web prominence. Now, once your write a how to article, you can add your own website in the external links section. Your how to article, of course, should be relevant to the subject of your website. However, you have to check your entry from time to time, since Wikihow pages employ a creative commons license, meaning, anyone can add to or alter what you have written. If someone was devious enough to alter your link, simply log in and add your link once more. This strategy is known to generate thousands of hits, owing to the fact that a lot of people are subscribed to feeds generated by WikiHow.
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