Promotion/Giveaway – The easiest way to increase your Facebook Likes is engaging the consumer on a level they understand and appreciate – free stuff. If all it takes is a click of a mouse to enter a chance to win free products, then why not? Even discounts will entice the everyday consumer to like your company. If you are giving away a 20% off coupon by printing out tab on you Facebook page, you will see people actively Liking your page, as well as engaging with your business on your Facebook wall.
Useful Content – Since content is only seen in news feeds by people who already like your company, it is in your best interest to make the content that you are posting interesting, new and engaging. A good way to get other Likes is by posting original content that is interesting enough for your fans to share with their Facebook network. If your friend shares an article on his or her page, there is a good chance you will take a gander at what it is all about, and possibly go check out the source. The end results of engaging, fun and interesting content, is more Likes for your business!
Other Social Sites – Using other sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn and your blog to direct people to your Facebook page for additional information is always a good idea. Promoting your Facebook via Twitter will give your audience a place to interact with you outside of the 140 character parameters that Twitter has. LinkedIn is great for social networking, and is a good place to build personal and professional relationships. Linking your Facebook company page on LinkedIn will give your connections more information on your company and its social media efforts. It will also give them another avenue to contact you and your company through in the future. If there is a link to Facebook on your blog, whether a large audience reads it or not, it will allow your reader to find out more about the company who is posting these excellent articles and give them another social platform to engage with your business on. Since Facebook allows you to give more information about the company, who you are connected with, etc, than Twitter does, it is an excellent gateway for your readers to learn more about their writer. The more people you have visiting your Facebook page, the greater Like success you will have.
Personal Resources – There is no better way to spread the word than having your social circle do it for you. From family members and friends, to colleagues and professional connections, having them suggest your Facebook page can increase Likes as well. Word of mouth marketing is still the most powerful and influential marketing tool around, and I highly doubt someone you are close with would ever steer you wrong.
Facebook in its entirety is a very powerful marketing tool. The only issue is you can only market to those who like you for no cost, no pun intended. In order to effectively market on Facebook you need to develop a strong following base or fan base unless you plan to purchase advertisements. It may be a long and strenuous road or it may happen overnight. Either way, using what you have at your disposal to increase your brand’s awareness is key. If you have any other suggestions on how to increase your Facebook Likes, feel free to post them in the comments!
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