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Saturday 15 October 2011

Do You Have Time For A Work At Home Business?

In order to have a successful business, you must have time for it. I guess that is a rather obvious statement. Most people, when starting an internet business from their home, will still be working a 40 hour a week job elsewhere. That complicates matters.

When I first signed up for a work at home opportunity, I didn't think much about it. That is because basically the first two months I didn't do much with my online business. Then I really go involved and the time crunch hit.

Recently I have had thoughts like, "I wish I didn't have to sleep, so I could work more." or "I wish there were about 30 hours in the day." If you are working for someone else plus starting your own business I bet you have had those thoughts also.

I figure that I probably spend close to 30 hours a week on my own business. Factor in hours worked at your other job, commuting time, family obligations, etc. and you have a pretty hectic schedule. It seems like you are always working. I don't mind that. What does bother me is that I have so many ideas of things I want to do to promote or expand my business.

What is the solution to this problem of a lack of time? If I had the answer I would probably be rich. One thing you have to learn to do is prioritize. As long as you feel you need your regular job you have to allow time for it. Perhaps you could cut back a few hours because of the money you are making at your own business. You would have to consider whether the increased earning from your business would be more valuable than "x" amount per hour.

Certainly do not exclude sleep from your daily regime. Some people need close to eight hours a night. Others can get along fine on 5 hours or less. Your health is more important than your business. Do not neglect it. Get the sleep you need. Find another way to have extra time.

Don't take on more than you can handle. This is a tough one. You have so many ideas. I started a second website. I enjoyed doing it, but looking back, I think I should have spent the time fine tuning my first site. Now I have to think about advertising two sites, checking on both to make sure everything works. Everything is double...except that I don't have double the time. So, take this warning. It is best to have one project fully developed before you begin another. Don't unduly stress yourself.

The ideal is to not have a "regular job". I have a friend that I met on one of the forums. I am so envious. She has lots of time to spend on the forums (an invaluable source of knowledge and information). She lost her job a year ago due to downsizing. So now she spends all her
time on her work at home business. There is a lot of wishing going on...wish I could work fulltime at this, wish I didn't have to go out in the freezing weather to go to work, wish I didn't have to face this commute twice a day.

Some people will take a chance on themselves. They "know" they will succeed and they are willing to drop the sure source of income and devote all their time to the business. I am convinced that I will succeed, BUT I am a very conservative person financially. That means, to me, that until there is sufficient profit I will have to continue working another job.

You have to decide what is best for you. No one can tell you. It is a totally personal decision. To succeed in a work at home business you must be highly motivated and highly disciplined. I know that I will succeed. I know that one day you will be looking through articles and find one written by me entitled, "How Great It Is To Work At Home Fulltime". And you can imagine how big my smile is while I am typing it.

Jan Wilhelm invites you to visit Not only is this site for the "want to be" internet marketer (lots of work at home and affiliate opportunities), but it is also for those already having a business (ways to improve your business.).


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