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Saturday 15 October 2011

Why Wit Is Always Beautiful

Society's obsession with beauty has made it the primary consideration among people of all ages and of any gender. They strive to attain improvements with clothes and other products to make themselves beautiful and they spend thousands of dollars on vanity products. There's nothing wrong with that, but……..

Man's proclivity for all things bright and beautiful is understandable because it is society's measure of success and popularity. However, there are many people who spend most of their time trying to be physically beautiful yet they forget to fill their minds with the right ingredients for intelligence.

It is easy to be beautiful but it takes a lot of hard work to become intelligent, even if you are blessed with the genes to be so. But why should you consider being smart if you are already beautiful?

Most people look at beauty in terms of a person's physical characteristics, but real beauty is beyond those long-lashes and those pouting lips. Real beauty is the total well-being of a person. It is the totality of a person in terms of his physical appearance and mental sharpness, his culture and experiences in life.

It may be a cliché but it is true that “physical beauty means more than a person’s “good looks”. A person's mind is part of his physique and what better way to make your physique attractive than to nurture your mind.

While beauty of the face and body is the first thing that attracts one person to another, it takes more than these two physical characteristics to be considered beautiful in the long run.

Men and women have become so concerned with physical beauty that they tend to forget that what really makes a person beautiful are the words and ideas that come from his mind and mouth.

Imagine having to just stare at a beautiful girl for days without being able to talk to her because she is not intelligent? Or having to endure looking at an Adonis-looking male for hours because he does not know how to carry on a conversation?

Enhancing one's physical appearance is an important factor that is necessary if we are to survive in this “rat race” which favors the beautiful over intelligence or the ugly. However, plain physical beauty with nothing between the ears will cause people to lose interest.

It is important to note that while physical beauty fades with age, a beautiful mind will always persist, no matter for how long, or no matter what it takes.


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