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Saturday 15 October 2011

Discover The Real Fountain Of Youth

While it is generally considered taboo to discuss or to admit this in public, people have two things they want to avoid----ugliness and aging.

Everyone has always heard the “motherly advice” about being tolerant of imperfections and of those who have not been gifted with perfect appearance. However, at the back of their minds, people will always despise the thought of becoming old and ugly.

Because of the penchant for beauty and youthfulness, people are willing to spend hundreds or even millions of dollars, to enhance their appearance and to avoid appearing old as much as possible. Everybody wants to stay beautiful and young forever and the search for the “fountain of youth” has become the rule - not the exception.

But what is this fountain of youth that is supposed to keep everyone young forever? Beauty experts have come up with various beauty products, anti-aging creams, placenta creams, and pills to prevent signs of aging. There are those who take hormone pills to stay young forever; but have they discovered the fountain of youth?

There are reports that scientists are in the process developing a breakthrough hormone that will suppress the aging process and which will keep humans younger longer. However, the anti-aging hormone is still being tested on mice and will probably take several more years, perhaps never, before it will be used on humans.

In the meantime, the human race is spending its energy and financial resources to look for the “fountain of youth”. But is there really something which will make a person youthful forever?

Man is by nature a limited being so there is no question that man is destined to die. The “fountain of youth” that will make a person youthful in terms of appearance is probably just wishful thinking and man will continue to look for something that does not exist.

People who want to remain young, physically and mentally should consider their state of mind. Being exposed to stressful situations throughout a lifetime can make a person age both mentally and physically. Avoiding stress or learning how to manage stress can make a big difference in a person’s appearance.

Age is a state of mind and sometimes it is reinforced by certain physical factors such as wrinkles. However, a mind that is always open to new ideas and which refuses to be captive to the fear of aging will always be youthful. The way you think and the way you live your life will show in your appearance, so if you want to be youthful, think young and live a happy and stress-free life.


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